Toys Bring Joy to Children in Armenia

Displaced children from Artsakh, currently residing in Armenia, along with children who lost a parent due to Azerbaijani aggression, received Christmas gifts on Dec. 25 which were collected through the Toy Drive organized by the Armenian Council of America (ACA).
A Christmas program was conducted by the Aragatsotn province governorate, featuring local children performing dances, singing songs and reciting poetry to lift the spirits of the children and families of fallen soldiers.
“It is hard to fathom the pain and trauma experienced by these children who lost their fathers and their homes to the Azeri aggression,” said Armenian Council representative Varazdat Yeghiazaryan. “It is our hope that the donated toys will put a smile on their faces and bring joy into their lives. They are the children of heroes who sacrificed their lives for Armenia, they are the future of our nation and they deserve the best.”
In light of the success of the Toy Drive and the overwhelming level of interest from individuals who are eager to support children of Artsakh and Armenia, ACA plans to make the Toy Drive an annual event.
As a grassroots organization, ACA is dedicated to working with all political leaders, offering Armenian related news, analysis and resources for policymakers, media, students and activists, advocating issues important to Armenian Americans. The ACA also aims to strengthen U.S. – Armenia and U.S. – Artsakh ties, the development of programs promoting sustainable economic growth and good governance in Armenia, while promoting the values and responsibilities of global citizenship.