Armenian Council Condemns Azerbaijan’s Continued Ceasefire Violations

Washington, D.C. – This week the Azerbaijani regime, continuing to ignore the Nov 9, 2020 cease-fire agreement, preemptively attacked Armenian positions in the Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) Republic, killing two Armenian soldiers and wounding another 14 soldiers.

“The Armenian Council of America vehemently condemns the continuous aggressions of the Azerbaijani regime towards the peaceful people of Artsakh,” stated Armenian Council of America’s Chair Mr. Sevak Khatchadorian. “We once again call on the international community to address this crisis properly, openly state and rebuke the Azeri dictatorship who continues to violate the cease fire.”

“Make no mistake, the continued Azeri aggression is due to the hypocritical policy towards the Aliyev dictatorship. Azerbaijan’s clear disregard and continued unprovoked attacks against the Armenian people demonstrate that the Aliyev dictatorship does not want peace,” continued Khatchadorian. “As Americans of Armenian descent, we are astounded by the U.S. Administration’s continued will to provide Azerbaijan military aid. To do so, is a slap in the face for those fighting for democracy and self-determination.”

ACA strongly supports amendments to the FY 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), where the U.S. House of Representatives called for the immediate release of Armenian POWs who continue to be unjustly held captive by Azerbaijan, and the House and Senate to reaffirm Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act (a 1997 law that prohibits U.S. military assistance to Azerbaijan) and both recommended demining assistance to Artsakh and humanitarian aid for Armenians displaced as a result of the 2020 war in Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh).

As a grassroots organization, ACA is dedicated to working with all political leaders, offering Armenian related news, analysis and resources for policymakers, media, students and activists, advocating issues important to Armenian Americans. The ACA also aims to strengthen U.S. – Armenia and U.S. – Artsakh ties, the development of programs promoting sustainable economic growth and good governance in Armenia, while promoting the values and responsibilities of global citizenship.
