French National Assembly Adopts Resolution Supporting Armenia; Asks Sanctions To Be Imposed on Azerbaijan

Armenian Council of Europe reports that the France’s National Assembly adopted today by 256 votes for and 0 votes against a resolution demanding the “end of Azerbaijan’s aggression against Armenia and at establishing a lasting peace in the South Caucasus.”
With this resolution, the French National Assembly condemns, with the greatest conviction, the military aggression of Azerbaijan on September 13 and 14 against the territory of the Republic of Armenia, in violation of its sovereignty. The Resolution calls for an end to the military occupation by Azerbaijan of the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia and for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Azerbaijani forces; for the deployment of an international intervention force under the aegis of the UN, and the the immediate and unconditional release and repatriation of all Armenian prisoners of war.
The National Assembly also asks Armenia to join the International Criminal Court in order to condemn Azerbaijan for war crimes; and asks the French Government to impose economic sanctions on Azerbaijan.
Lastly, the National Assembly demands the protection of Armenian cultural and religious heritage in areas under Azerbaijani control of Armenian territory and Nagorno-Karabakh.
The Armenian Council of Europe, welcomes the adoption by the French National Assembly of a resolution condemning the Azerbaijani and the dictator Aliyev. It thus follows in the footsteps of the French Senate, which voted for an even stronger resolution a few days ago. On the other hand, the Armenian Council of Europe, regrets that recognition of the independent Republic of Artsakh was not mentioned in this resolution. Indeed, only this recognition would guarantee the Armenian population to live in security and peace on their ancestral lands.